Friday, 27 December 2013

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Jake! Born  2nd September 2013 x x x

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Food cravings

Food cravings..... 1. First it was scotch eggs  2. Next it was salt and pepper prawns (these ones were home made) craving lots of prawns and spicy food!  3. More prawns, Boursin, Mexican foods, onions, olives and Salt & vinegar crisps!  4. My home made Greek veg stew yum!!!  5. Strawberries (This one was home grown)  6. Ice lollies!  Breakfast, lunch & dinner.....Need more!!!! 

Life changing experience starting Jan 6th 2013.....and why I have not posted for a while :)

1. January 6th 2013....preggers!!! OMG!!!  2. 30th Jan 8 weeks & 5 days  3. 21st Feb 11 weeks & 6 days
4. 22nd April 20 weeks & 3 days.....its a boy!!! :)

catch up in photos

Christmas 2012
1.& 2 & 3. Home made Christmas cake, Delia Smith Recipe  4.Our tree :)  5.Gotta have a Robin or two on a tree  6.Ate too much!  7.Best cracker joke :)